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Kevin Ying-Chih Chang


Cornell University,Ithaca,New York

Master of Structural Engineering

Professional engineer qualification:

China Taipei International Professional Engineer

Asia Pacific Engineer(APEC Engineer)

International engineer(IntPE)

Professional civil engineer

Professional structural engineer

building structure、Special structure、Vibration structure、Vibration damping and seismic design

Modeling method、Value Engineering Evaluation

Architectural geometry and wall optimization analysis

Wind engineering and CFD

Working Experience:

Envision Engineering Consultants Principal. (2004~)

HKR Engineering Consultants Principal. (2012~)

National Chiao Tung University professor. (2008~)

KLC project Manager.(2002~2004)

THTsai and Associates project Manager.(1999~2002)

Federal Engineering Consultants project Manager.(1994~1999)

Leslie E. Robertson Associates Structural Engineer.(1993~1994)


2017 Malaysia Melaka THERISE

2016 Structural Design of Public Housing No. 1 in Taoyuan Bade District(18Fx3/B3F,RC) 

2016 Structural Design of No. 2 Public House on Taoyuan Middle Road(17F+16F/B3F,RC)  

2016 Structural Design of Taipei Nangang Public-


2014 Kaohsiung Public Library

2012 Pyong Archieland Qinmei Puzhen-

Structural design(26Fx1/B3F,SS)

2011 Fang Yi qing kong hui Structural design (28Fx4/ B4F, RC)

2011 guo ding Structural design (32Fx4 / B3F, SC)                  

2010 Taoyuan International Airport

2010 Yeashin Shin World Structural design (29Fx1 / B4F, RC)   

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